Quotes from Young people on the project

Our HP is amazing and the first Cohort are happily living in their own homes. The HP experience is amazing and I would highly recommend
I’ve grown a lot as a person, I’m happy, I have a home. I’m doing well for myself. I have great plans for my future and life is exciting

The HP has been an amazing experience for me as I have come so far in the last 7 months of working with the HP

I would recommend the HP to anyone who would be willing to do the things needed to get your own home
Being in the HP has really helped me get where I am
I am so grateful for getting my flat, I was shocked they had the key for me

Young people at the heart of decision making

Their collective views and ideas drive the development of all House Projects through the Care Leavers National Movement. They meet on a regular basis to share good practice, talk about and find solutions to any challenges they are facing and to suggest new ways of doing things. They work hard, have fun and their views make a real difference to how young people leave care and move into their own homes.

Being a CLNM rep allows you to grow personally and professionally. I would never have thought 12 months ago I would be standing and delivering at a conference, that I helped organize, in front of 200 people

Latest News

Latest News

Scotland House Project Success
Scotland House Project Success

In a landmark event to mark the 10th anniversary of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014, Who Cares? Scotland hosted its first ever Corporate Parenting Awards, celebrating achievements of organisations dedicated to supporting Care Experienced young people. The event in Glasgow recognised outstanding contributions across several categories, with East Dunbartonshire and Midlothian House Projects winning awards in three areas.

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NHP Annual report 2023-2024 is here!
NHP Annual report 2023-2024 is here!

We look forward to the future and as we scale, we remain committed to ensuring that the ‘house project spirit’ drives what we do, and that each young person is given the opportunity to belong to something that supports and enables them to succeed.

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Commitment to improve children's services and education in Peterborough
Commitment to improve children's services and education in Peterborough

"We're partnering with the National House Project to improve outcomes for children as they turn 18 and leave care. This means that children and young people are given practical support with CV writing, budgeting, how to apply for a tenancy".

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